The beginning of April reminds us to pay attention to the choices we make – starting with our careers, considering the fact that we spend at least 70% or more of the time working in careers that we are either passionate about or want to change. Career satisfaction is hard to come by without critical self-reflection and exploration.
Sometimes, I come across clients that need to make a change in their careers but are reluctant to do so for several reasons. And so they postpone the inevitable. Does this sound familiar?
Common Reasons for Not Proceeding with Career Change
Career change takes too much planning and effort
I have vast expertise in the current role and am reluctant to leave my “comfort zone”
I have a solid network of professional contacts established over the years
I do not have enough time or money dedicated to achieve this goal
Extra education and training are needed
I don’t know where to start – no clear focus or strategy
The compensation in the current role is sufficient for now
If you have caught yourself reciting these similar concerns, you are not alone. However, consider these thought-provoking questions that will propel you to make a wise career move.
If you could do anything in terms of work, what would it be?
Does your career align with your true passion and purpose as well as values?
How do you feel being in your current career? What do your gut instincts say?
Have you been experiencing significant challenges lately – describe them?
Do you see yourself in your present role for another 2-5 years? 10 years?
Re-evaluation of Career Goals
What are your career goals and does the role that you are in fulfill those goals?
If you changed careers, what is the first goal that you would strive for?
Do the benefits of your current career outweigh the disadvantages? Weigh the pros and cons of your present career versus your desired career.
Forecasting into the Future
What is the worst case scenario of making a career change within the next few months? Within the next few years?
What is the best case scenario of making a career change within the next few months and years?
What is the first thing that you could do now to take the next positive step?
Making a career change is never easy and takes a considerable amount of time, strategic planning, and exploration of credible occupational related sources. Networking is a vital component for making a career change – whether face to face, seminars, via LinkedIn or online. Conducting “informational interviews” provides a valuable source of information on the nature of the role and expectations, the work environment, growth opportunities, labour market trends, compensation and more.
Career transitions can often be mapped out, but simultaneously, taking small steps towards learning everything you possibly can about your new career target leads to notable progress.
For more information on how to make your next career move into a positive and fruitful direction with the assistance of Career Exploration-Decision-Making, email Lori creativehorizonsresumes@gmail.com.
Remember, staying in a career or job with an organization that you are not aligned with often proves to be a less than wise decision.