It is a common belief that the more time and energy you devote to your job search, the more resumes you get out and the more aggressively you network, the faster your job search will proceed.
This is somewhat true, but if you apply to various companies for roles that you are not keenly passionate about, then you are hindering your job search. Likewise, you are not truly being authentic to your career goals, needs, and values.
Many jobseekers start out looking for jobs without a distinct vision in mind of what they want their career to reflect.
What do I mean by “career vision”?
Identify your role, work environment, values, location, lifestyle, and job benefits you want – every little detail that defines your respective career goals and needs. This will allow you to evaluate potential roles against your career vision.
Often, failing to consider the pertinent details in a job search can lead to a disorganized or unproductive job search. If you are not passionate about applying to a certain role at a company or even staying there for the long haul, then it will likely be a waste of time for you as well as the prospective employer.
Plan Your Job Search, but Expect the Unexpected
The key is to commit to a focused job search. Plan ahead, but expect some twists and turns along the way. Have you ever come close to the interview stage or even to securing a rewarding job offer when suddenly something shifted away from your favour?
This is not uncommon. A whole host of networking dynamics and variable factors can shape or even delay your job search without you even realizing–from sudden intercompany changes to issues with securing references on time.
By applying a sharp focus, patience, faith, and consistency, along with leveraging the right career and networking opportunities, you will achieve your goal. Trust in the process that the universe will point you in the right direction if your intentions and efforts are sincere and your strategies are effective.
Transform Obstacles Into Opportunities
At any rate, you need to stay positive, do your research, be proactive rather than reactive, and maintain a clear focus. If yo have missed out on a recent opportunity around the holidays due to a chance of untimely events, trust that there is another opportunity on the horizon.
You can transform those obstacles encountered in your job search into opportunities by applying simple, yet productive strategies.
A successful job search is not always a perfect job search, but a focused one. A candidate who knows their career target and understands their unique value has already won half the battle.
Here are 10 simple tips for a winning employment strategy:
~ Think quality over quantity.
You only need one company to hire you. Spend time identifying the right companies and roles aligned with your goals and interests, rather than contacting hundreds of companies and sending generic resumes.
~ Treat your job search as a full-time job.
Write out task lists and perform them systematically. Action leads to results. Once you have identified job titles and prospective employers, your job search should focus on developing and tapping into a network of solid connections.
~ Eliminate time-wasting activities from your job search.
Spending too much time searching for online postings rather than tapping into the hidden job market is counterproductive. Leverage a combination of diverse job search methods. Find out and do what works for you.
~ Keep track of your job search activities.
Recording your job search activities is important for reflection. Monitor your progress for continuous improvement. Pinpoint any recurring themes and your successes as well as your setbacks – evaluate them.
~ Know a job’s exact requirements.
Don’t apply for jobs you aren’t qualified for. Write down the reasons why a particular job is ideal for you. You don’t just need to sell an interviewer that you’re the right person – you need to understand how a particular role is aligned with your values and goals.
~ Understand your true value and offerings to employers.
Successful job seekers are able to document specific skills developed and achievements in their education, work experience, and/or volunteer work.
~ Maintain a competitive edge by staying marketable.
Realize that prospective employers won’t know your strengths, weaknesses, or working styles. Consider how marketable your skills are and which are most marketable. Clarifying your skill sets will not only help your job search, but also help you to understand what you need to emphasize in your resume.
~ Engage in higher learning.
If you’re having trouble finding a job, spend an hour or two a day taking a class to keep your knowledge and skill sets current. This is especially critical during employment gaps.
~ Volunteer in your field.
By volunteering, you will spend time doing something meaningful, while refining your skills. Your next volunteering role may even lead to your next job!
~ Be willing to invest in yourself and in a complete job search.
People who are most successful in securing a job show a willingness to invest their time, energy, and money in their job search by gaining support with resume development and career coaching. This will greatly pay off in the short-term as well as the long-term.
From experience, the single biggest mistake most job searchers make is not asking for help from their network and failing to invest in their job search.
Contact your one-stop resume writing/career consulting firm – Creative Horizons Communications, and let’s identify your career vision together and establish a plan for positive change for 2017! Visit our new website.