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Offer Thanks for Both Your Career’s Ups and Downs

Lori A. Jazvac

Have you ever heard the saying by Steve Guttenberg?

It goes like this: “A career is a series of ups and downs, of comebacks.”

Steve Guttenberg shared an interesting and thoughtful perspective.

Our career paths are anything but linear these days.

Change is rapidly evolving in the labour market and job security lies really in our own hands. The world of work is continuously shifting –– impacted by high-end technologies and social media, globalization, world events, the ‘gig economy’, and competitive industries and brand markets to name a few. No longer can we expect the company to offer us security. We need to be ready for change and be able to translate effective strategies into powerful action plans.

Embrace A New Paradigm: The Ever-Changing World of Work

Success lies in your hands through proactive career management.

Whether today’s labour market changes propel you to rechannel your career in an entirely direction or simply change companies, you will likely experience both ups and downs.

It's about how you perceive and navigate those ups and downs that defines true success. The variable ups and downs in your career can shape your character, test your resilience and perseverance, and command a new start in a more meaningful direction. Read more about finding meaning in your career.

Yet, rewarding opportunities do come with hard work and sacrifice. It's important to appreciate both the ups and downs of your career journey and view them holistically. All your experiences have furthered your growth and self-improvement to some degree.

Referencing back to Steve Guttenberg's definition of a career, there are also comebacks and rewards that evolve in your career in unexpected ways –– especially when you remain focused, work hard, take charge of your career growth and build relationships, and are fully aligned with your purpose. For example, you may have traded in a structured career with well-carved out responsibilities and set hours for a career where you tend to work longer hours, but even experience greater growth and meaning, independence, and satisfaction than imagined.

Engage in Some Self-Reflection and Visualize a New Career Horizon

When change happens though, it can happen suddenly and spark overwhelm and confusion. For instance, some professionals may have been with a company for a few years or more than a decade, and suddenly are told that their job is being made redundant and a downsizing is looming. They have grown with that company, established relationships, and now they need to reinvent themselves. I hear stories like this from clients all the time.

You may be facing these questions in the midst of a career change:

💡 Why is this happening to me?

💡 What can I do to remedy the situation? What are my options?

💡 Which choice is the right one? And how will it impact me and my loved ones?

💡 Who can help me to efficiently navigate this transition?

💡 Will things be OK, and will my career work out for the best?

You may not be able to formulate the answers to the above questions right away, but YES, have faith and take action -- and know that you have choice and that things will work out for the best -- perhaps not always the way that you expected, but still things will work out!

I also experienced a similar transition in my earlier career. If it weren’t for a restructuring years ago, I would not have rediscovered my true passion and taken the entrepreneurial route. So there is existential meaning and discovery through undergoing career challenges.

In situations that fiercely marshal the winds of change, it's so common to zero in on the obstacles rather than envisioning a new path or a new career horizon. (This is where my support comes in!).


...Take comfort in knowing that in the midst of challenge lies great opportunity if you choose to look through a focused lens.


When you find yourself in a “temporary desert period” where your career progress may feel like it's stagnating, you need to remain patient and optimistic, step back and reflect, and trust in the process. Leverage chance events and opportunities that could guide you towards reinvigorating career prospects.

Give gratitude for your success, including your career's ups and downs.

Redefine and Articulate Your Unique Value

Do you know your unique value? Maybe it is your entrepreneurial skills or your ability to drive significant revenue or cost-saving initiatives. Perhaps you have an unwavering work ethic coupled with an uncanny ability to survive through complex career challenges, and yet maintain an optimistic mindset where others would have given up long ago.

Understanding and articulating your unique value will help you distinguish what sets you apart and will guide you in establishing a clear direction. This is the anchor that will ground your focus and career strategy. However, your unique value will change over time and will be shaped by your experiences. Keep nurturing and delivering on this promise of value as the hallmark of your brand.

Choose a Positive, Empowering Mindset

If you're approaching a career transition, the type of attitude and mindset that you adopt will influence your success and the actions that you take.

💡 So how will you manage this change?

💡 Will you fight the change or go with the flow to come up with creative ideas?

💡 How will you steer those ideas and strategies in an inspiring direction?

These are all important questions that need to be addressed. Truly, when it comes to facing tough career choices, you can either run from the change, remain brave and wait patiently until the unsteady period passes, or take control of the gears and initiate strategic action.

Here are 7 strategies that will help you embrace a career change:

💡 Take a deep breath. Give yourself time to process the situation.

💡 Realize that you are not alone –– reach out to your trusted networks for support.

💡 Know that ultimately, you have the choice to make a change. Examine all your options.

💡 Seek professional support. A career professional can help you uncover the patterns and themes of your career that are impacting your success.

💡 Affirm, believe in your strengths and capabilities, and create the positives. Appreciate the uniqueness of all your career experiences as valuable teaching aids.

💡 Build a bridge – take a new course, build new skills or reconnect with your existing networks. Rechannel the situation into a positive learning experience.

💡 Redefine your goals as part of carving out a ‘New Career Map’.

  • Ask yourself: What? Where? How? Why? -- the critical questions about your career after careful reflection of your past and present experiences.

  • What -- What special skills or strengths do you have?

  • Where -- What industries, type of companies, and locations are you interested in?

  • How -- In what types of environments do you think you would flourish?

  • Why -- What would you need out of work? Reassess your values.

  • Conduct a SWOT analysis – investigate your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Seek 360 degree feedback from others.

  • Reevaluate the results and findings; consider how do they impact your decisions?

  • Invest in your career brand and your future. Once you have redefined your new career goal/direction and have researched your options, have your resume recustomized.

So let’s get started to positioning you for your next career milestone!

Visit to schedule a consultation.


“Sometimes when you think you’re in a dark place, you think you’ve been buried, but actually you’ve been planted.”

– Christine Caine


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