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Robust Strategies to Maximize your Luck and Career Success

Lori A. Jazvac

Updated: Mar 17, 2020

Have you ever caught yourself wishing you had an executive career like one of your colleagues, a cushy corner office downtown, abundant travel opportunities, or the attractive paycheck?

Maybe you want to change industries or leap into an exciting role that allows you more flexibility, creativity, or quality time to simply enjoy life.

Simply put, the grass often looks greener on the other side.

Is prestige and status calling you to rethink your career plan after some professional struggles? A more lucrative offer may have you reconsidering your lifestyle choices -- perhaps wanting to move across the other side of town or across the other side of the ocean. Holistically speaking, career choices may likely impact your personal life and vice verse.

It's about perception and values that fuel existential meaning

Why do so many people see the "grass as being greener on the other side" even if they are doing particularly well in their careers?

It’s really about perception. Sometimes "good" is not "good enough" and it may lead to raising the standard just a notch higher. But it's also about values –– what matters most to you now and what could matter more in the future can impact career decisions to make that change.

For many people, it signifies taking bold risks, shaking up a lifeless routine, or aligning their changing values with their career for more meaning. It could involve seeking to alleviate the hassles undergirded by fierce office politics. For others, their last downsizing has nudged them to rethink a serious career change, and now it is finally time to move forward!

On St. Patrick's Day, we tend to think of all things green symbolizing luck –– including shamrocks or clovers, shamrock shakes, jade or emerald pendants, green beer, and of course, making more money –– while climbing up to the top of the ladder of success.

But here is the reality that most people fail to see:

“If the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, chances are it’s getting better care.” -Frank Sonnenberg, Soul Food: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

It’s not always about instant luck, but rather when hard work meets opportunity along with the right timing or happenstance. This applies to other areas of life including personal life, fitness, and relationships.

At the same time, you may be thinking, “The lucky people must be doing something right. It’s just pure luck or they must be born with it!” It’s time, however, to dispel this outdated, comparative thinking and replace with a new paradigm that is rooted in empowerment and assertive action.

When you nurture your career by taking the right steps that are aligned with your authentic values and purpose, you will start to see results.

The grass might look greener on your neighbour's side.

But your grass/lawn needs consistent maintenance throughout the year -- and so does your career!

Your career has probably endured its shares of ups and downs. You might even be facing a “temporary desert period” or stagnation with your career at some point (if you haven’t already!). Therefore, your career needs extra proactive attention and care on a consistent basis, including professional support. You may find that when you inject focus, time, and energy, you could just increase your success.

Here are 11 career truths to maximize your luck and career success:

1. Be proud of what you have accomplished so far. Avoid comparing your accomplishments and successes to someone else.

Your experiences and accomplishments are unique on their own. You have a distinct purpose and mission to fulfill. Yet everyone's experiences will happen on their own time-clock as Jay Shetty, motivational speaker says. Understand what your vision of success looks like and hold yourself accountable.

Remember the saying: "Avoid comparing your beginning to someone else's middle."

- Jon Acuff

2. Leverage your unique value.

This involves understanding your Unique Value Proposition (UVP) and what sets you apart from the competition in the changing labour market. Those who tend to appreciate their value and leverage their UVP are far more successful in their careers. This solid anchor will keep you grounded throughout your career and will help you remain competitive and forward-thinking with your brand.

3. Be careful about “hopping too quickly” to that next job.

Pause until you have fully evaluated what you need to do to take your growth to its next level. Perhaps you may have spent years building your brand and developing your expertise in a certain role and company. Making hasty moves during a tough or unstable time may prove to be sometimes fruitless. Carefully weigh your options and opportunity costs first. Do your research. Collaborate with networks.

4. Career satisfaction largely depends on you.

How do you intend to “take the ball and run with it” in your career?

** What steps are you taking to make improvements?

** Are you thinking strategically enough to set a concrete vision supported by measurable short-term and long-term goals to maximize your career success?

The truth is, many professionals give up far too soon before they have given their career or even themselves a fair chance to really prove their value. Be patient, yet persistent. Rewards do pay off.

5. Progress can be seen over time.

Don’t expect miracles overnight. Be sure to track your progress in a log/journal. We often see results over time and measure progress or accomplishments through stages in our career or lives. You are the instrumental vehicle to carving out those opportunities! Remember my innovative ABCD Career Coaching Method: Affirm - Brainstorm - Create - Discover. It works!

6. Create and implement a strategic career plan.

Set goals. Do thorough research on companies and industries of interest along with the labour market if you're planning a career change. Understand what you bring to the table.

** Can you deliver on your promise?

** What unique problem do you aim to solve?

Employers appreciate problem solvers who can approach their organization with a distinct mission ready to hit the ground running. Note that career transitions need to be planned well in advance --- they don't happen overnight either.

7. Establish supportive networks.

Your connections are part of your added value. Harvey Mackay says: “Dig your well before you’re thirsty.” Along the career path, it is wise to keep building and maintaining your networks long before you need them.

8. Appreciate all your career’s ups and downs.

This includes the turbulent downsizing, inspiring career triumphs, along with navigating the stalled projects and difficult co-workers. Careers are anything but linear these days. Companies change. The labour market is always in flux. Skills in demand change. Let's face it - some things are within your control and others are not.

In fact, you may find yourself changing roles or careers at least once or twice in your lifetime. Your diversified experiences have all taught you resilience and tenacity. Success is accepting and weighing the good with the tough times in your career and personal life to experience growth.

9. Celebrate your accomplishments, but avoid resting on your laurels.

Increase your luck through investing in continuous learning and professional development. If your attitude is such that you are done with any type of schooling or learning, think again. Lifelong learning means learning both informally and formally, while mastering marketable skills –– one of the keys to career success. Refining your brand while staying current in your field with the latest trends and changing developments is essential to maximize your "luck" and career success.

10. When you are approached with a few solid job offers, balance logic with instinct.

Nine times out of ten, your gut never lies to you! Trust your intuition, but balance logic with instinct too. Weigh the pros and cons, and how they impact your lifestyle. Remember, your values influence your career choices, decisions, and career satisfaction. In the end, your values matter and will serve as the guiding post for driving change.

11. If you think that your old résumé is good enough now, in a few months or in a year, it will need to be recustomized.

Your skills and experience will expand along with your brand and milestones. You need to be prepared for any opportunity or change that may evolve -- unexpectedly too! Imagine what investing in a results-driven Master-level resume could do for your career. You will have essential brand marketing collateral to position yourself forward.

View the success stories.

Contact Creative Horizons Communications at 905.730.2374 or email for more information about making a wise investment in furthering your career this spring!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Wishing you continued luck and success.

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